
Author in the making

Currently working on a fantasy novel

For the Likes

I am scared. I am terrified. What is going on with our society? The things people do for their two minutes of fame or a thousand likes… Has it always been like that or did it get this bad recently? Have I simply not noticed it before or, perhaps, perceived it differently? I suppose, being…

No Excuses

I bought a laptop. A tiny 11.6″ one. That’s the smallest I could find, and it’s precisely what I was after. You see, I haven’t had a personal computer for around six years now. We’ve got a gaming laptop that I brought all the way from the US as a present for my husband, but…


I have not abandoned this website, this blog, my book. I simply had a child and my priorities shifted. I imagined I would have plenty of free time during my maternity leave to finish my book, make YouTube videos for my channel, post on Instagram and what not. In reality, I barely find time to…


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If you wish to be a writer, write.


This website is dedicated to my writing addiction.

Check out my blog for some interesting thoughts and stay tuned for my book!

About Me

An aspiring fantasy author

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