
Join me on my writing journey

For the Likes

I am scared. I am terrified. What is going on with our society? The things people do for their two minutes of fame or a thousand likes… Has it always been like that or did it get this bad recently? Have I simply not noticed it before or, perhaps, perceived it differently? I suppose, being…

No Excuses

I bought a laptop. A tiny 11.6″ one. That’s the smallest I could find, and it’s precisely what I was after. You see, I haven’t had a personal computer for around six years now. We’ve got a gaming laptop that I brought all the way from the US as a present for my husband, but…


I have not abandoned this website, this blog, my book. I simply had a child and my priorities shifted. I imagined I would have plenty of free time during my maternity leave to finish my book, make YouTube videos for my channel, post on Instagram and what not. In reality, I barely find time to…

Impostor Syndrome

The past year was a huge emotional roller-coaster, especially when it came to writing my book. I went from being determined that I could do it by the end of 2020 to thinking that I was totally fooling myself and would never be able to finish it. From absolutely loving my story and writing style…

You Deserve It

You won’t believe me (and I don’t blame you), but when I was a kid I wanted to become an accountant. I know, what a dream! I had a notebook where I kept a list of all my revenue from pocket money and expenses, and I enjoyed my simplified version of bookkeeping immensely. I have…

Patriotism and Globalisation

Sometimes I get remarks from people on my social media that I am a traitor. Telling me that they are patriots and I have betrayed my motherland by moving to New Zealand. But what is patriotism and how does it fit in the current day and age where we are moving towards globalisation? And is…

Being an Ambivert

How have I lived my whole life without knowing that ambiverts existed? If you are like me, and hear about it for the first time, – ambiverts are people who have a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality. Simple, right? And so logical. By why has it never crossed my mind that…

Halfway There

Today I achieved a massive milestone – I’ve reached 50,000 word count! Let that sink in. 50,000 words is a book in its own right, but because I chose high fantasy genre, I have to keep going till about 100,000, which is the standard size for such novel. And yet, from now on, the remaining…

The Importance of Me Time

I have been away for a while and I hope you haven’t left this blog for good. A big thank you to everyone who stuck around and to all new lovely people who have joined this blog in the past few months, I really appreciate your support! I keep a list of topics I want…

The Power of Habit

You know, I am writing a book. Well, trying to, as much as I can. I have to say, it’s not easy but I really enjoy it. I set myself a goal of 1000 words a day, and at first I was able to do it consistently for about two weeks, and it was amazing.…


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