
I have not abandoned this website, this blog, my book. I simply had a child and my priorities shifted. I imagined I would have plenty of free time during my maternity leave to finish my book, make YouTube videos for my channel, post on Instagram and what not. In reality, I barely find time to take a shower. But I would not have it any other way.

The first couple of months were tough. And I mean, tough. I don’t think any person is ever truly ready to toss their old life away and devote themselves entirely to a new human being, without questions, without hesitation, without losing the sense of self. And yet, it is indeed the most wonderful and powerful thing that can happen to you. An event that changes your life completely, forever.

You go through an emotional roller-coaster, and I don’t just mean the mom who is heavily influenced by post-partum hormones. Quite often dads too find it hard to adjust and accept the new way of things. Even though this child might be everything a couple could have ever asked for. I know people with post-partum depression. I know people with post-partum anxiety. I was lucky enough not to experience any of it, but I can understand why they would feel that way. The new life seems daunting. They are supposed to be grateful, after all, all their wishes came true. And they are. But sometimes it’s more complicated than that.

Our life is what our thoughts make it.

Marcus Aurelius

And it doesn’t have to be such a major event as a birth of a child to make you suddenly doubt yourself. Whatever is going on in your life, just stop for a moment and take a deep breath. Close your eyes and slow down your heartbeat. One hill at a time. It’s easy to lose yourself in the fast-paced life we are whirling in. And as such, it is important to remember and acknowledge all the small things in life that make you happy.

Gratitude. Not for the paramount. For the every-day, for the mundane.

Just for a few minutes a day, do nothing. Don’t look at your phone, don’t turn on the TV. You won’t get bored, I promise. Simply do nothing and face your thoughts and your emotions, your inner self. And then think of three things you are grateful for today. Think of one, if three seems like too much work. Not for being fit and healthy, having your family or a good job. I am not trying to tell you to be forever grateful that you have a roof over your head and a piece of bread in your hands. No. Think of something small, something that happened today, something that you appreciate, that warmed your heart or put a smile to your face.

I’ll start. Today I am grateful that my husband looked after the baby in the morning which gave me an extra hour and a half of sleep (what a luxury!). Grateful that we had a barbeque at my in-laws place. I didn’t know it was planned which made it extra special – good food and good company always lift the mood. Finally, grateful for a chance and inspiration to sit down and write this blog. These are the things that made me happy. And there are many more. Every day. And I am sure you can think of some too.

Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking.

Marcus Aurelius

Published by Natalia Ma

Aspiring Author

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